We are Open!

Posted on Monday, 18 May 2020

With the NSW’s Government decision to allow Registered Clubs to open cafes and restaurants as part of the Stage 1 Roadmap to a “New Normal”, that came into effect on the 15 th May 2020. City Tatts is pleased to announce the opening of City Tatts Café in the foyer of the Club.

The partial lifting of the restrictions limits the Club to a maximum of 10 Members or guests on the premise at any one time for the purpose of dining. Alcoholic drinks can only be served with a food order. Along with these restrictions, social distancing measures, contactless payments and conscious hygiene must also be adhered to.

Despite these restrictions, the decision was made to set up a café in our foyer that will allow members and guests to pop in for a coffee and a snack from a limited menu, thus giving us the opportunity to open our doors, turn on the lights and reconnect with the many members who we know are missing their wonderful City Tatts.

When I became the CEO of this great Club, some three plus years ago, I remember inviting all members for a coffee so we could connect and discuss any matters relating to their Club.

If you are around the City, pop in for a chat, pick up a coffee and a muffin or even some take away vino for home, knowing that every dollar you spend will be part of the rebuilding process we start today.

Stay safe and look forward to seeing you soon!

Marcelo A. Veloz
City Tatts CEO