Patrick Campion, Chairman’s Message February 2017

Posted on Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Our Club traded satisfactorily in the second half of 2016. The run up to Christmas was strong in food and beverage. All banking covenants are being met.


The Club has a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Marcelo Veloz. Many of you will have already met him. Please see page 5 for more details. I know you will make him welcome.

At the same time as welcoming Marcelo, I also acknowledge the role played by Mark Cooper as the Acting CEO over the last ten (10) months. Mark did a great job. He was ably assisted by Jan Ellks, our Executive Assistant. I know you will join me in thanking Mark and Jan for their efforts.

I also thank our Club staff generally for “stepping up” over this period.


The matter has now been listed for hearing in the Land & Environment Court. We will have the decision of the Court in the first half of this year.

As and when additional information is known, I will advise further.


As part of good Committee governance, City Tatts reviews its constitution from time to time to ensure it reflects the Club’s current objectives, activities, operations and ensure our processes continue to be workable and sufficiently flexible to meet the Club’s practical needs going forward.

Your Committee will be requesting members, by postal vote, to endorse a series of changes to our Club Rules, to ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements and ensure we have a contemporary framework to deliver innovation and agility to the Directors and Management of City Tatts and into the future. Voting papers along with an Explanatory Memorandum outlining the changes and why these are being requested will be sent in the coming weeks.

Areas such as Committee composition, tenure and skills matrix are being reviewed in line with Club’s best practice models to deliver City Tatts members a Committee that can deliver on the opportunities and manage the challenges of operating in today’s Club environment.

The outcome of the vote on these changes will be announced at the AGM in May 2017.


In my August 2016 Chairman’s Message, I advised of changes in the trading conditions of the Esperanto Dining Room and Cocktail Bar. Since that time, Management has been monitoring the usage of the Cocktail Bar and has noticed there has been a continual decline in the patronage of this area, to the extent that it often has no or very few customers throughout a given evening.

Consequently, the Committee has decided to close the Cocktail Bar on all nights except Friday evenings. However, should there be a requirement for a function or specific offering to utilise the bar then that option will certainly be available.


As you will be aware, the renewal period is drawing to a close. Members who have not renewed their membership should do so immediately.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2017 will be held on Tuesday 23 May 2017 at 6.00pm in the Celebrity Room.

The final date for Committee Election nominations is 28 April 2017. The Committee Election ballots will be determined by a postal vote by all eligible members.

The results of the Committee Election ballots will be announced on 26 May 2017.

As usual, the Committee will be putting forward a resolution at the AGM to elect members to Life Membership of CTC. This year 170 members have attained 40 continuous years as a Gold or Silver member.

If this resolution is passed, a celebratory luncheon will be held in the Club on Friday 26 May 2017 to present these members with their Life Membership badges.


There are a number of new promotions in all areas of the Club. I encourage members to visit the Club and enjoy the many promotions being featured throughout the Gaming and Food & Beverage areas.

For additional information of all the fabulous promotions, please refer to the relevant sections of the magazine.


Mother’s Day will be upon us before we know it! In order to celebrate and treat Mum to something special, simply make a reservation at our Esperanto Dining Room and enjoy a delicious 2 course ($65 per person) or 3 course ($75 per person) lunch and really treat Mum like the queen she is.

Please refer to page 21 for full particulars of this offer and book early to avoid disappointment.


The live music continues to be provided in the Lower Bar and Omega Lounge.

Attendance in the Lower Bar from Thursday – Friday evenings continues to remain strong with the feedback from members being very positive.

Omega Lounge continues to offer live entertainment every Friday evening on 6:30pm with “Happy Hour” drinks on offer each Thursday and Friday evening from 6 – 8pm.

I encourage you to come in and experience some great, free entertainment at our Club.


The employees of the 3rd Quarter 2016 have been named. The winners for the Front and Back of House for the 3rd Quarter 2016 were:

Front of House Mr Jason Chambers
Back of House Mr Richard Schilke

Congratulations to the winners and all other employees who received nominations for these awards.


Hurry and get your booking in early to secure the date you want at the Boonoona Ski Lodge!

As advised in my previous message, the member exclusive booking period at Boonoona Ski Lodge for the 2017 ski season will finish on 15 February 2017. Vacancies still exist but you will need to book quickly as the rate will also be advertised on external accommodation websites to ensure the Club maximises every booking opportunity throughout the ski season.

Members who wish to book for the 2017 ski season at Boonoona Ski Lodge can book online at and receive immediate confirmation. Members can also book their accommodation through the Customer Service Centre on 02 9267 9421. For full details on the Boonoona Ski Lodge rates and information, please refer to pages 10 of the magazine.


The tenth annual Children’s Christmas Breakfast Party was held in Zest Restaurant on Tuesday 6 December 2016. The function was well attended and the focus was on three (3) Inner Sydney charitable organisations; The Girls & Boys Brigade, Police Citizens Youth Club and Plunkett Street School.

Each of these charities support children, youth and their families who often experience significant socio-economic challenges in their lives.

The children had a wonderful time. Santa was there and presents were distributed.

I thank City Tatts staff for doing a great job in providing breakfast for all. Thanks also to the following organisations who contributed to the success of the morning:
• Tyrrells Wines
• Treasury Estate Wine
• Coopers
• De Bortoli
• Elag
• Lion Nathan
• CCA (Coca Cola)
• Nugan Estate Wines
• Sydney Ensemble
• Moccopan
• Simon George & Sons
• Haverick Meats

We can all be very proud of what our Club has done and continues to do in the charitable giving space.


Best wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2017.

The appointment of our new CEO is an important milestone for our Club and I ask all members to get behind him and I urge you to support our Club however and whenever possible throughout 2017.

Yours faithfully
Patrick Campion
City Tattersalls Club