Dear Members,
Welcome to the Winter edition of your City Tatts Magazine. Please take the time to enjoy some of the wonderful content in this issue, from the incredible efforts of our City Tatts Cyclers in Sri Lanka to our fabulous involvement with the Fringe Festival which starts in September and will activate so much of our city.
The Festival provides young and upcoming artists with a great platform to showcase their talent and our Club as a venue.
The 123rd Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on the 28th May 2019. At the AGM Members heard information relating to the Club’s financial performance, revised vision, mission and values and our five key strategic objectives that will underpin our efforts and focus over the next three years.
At the meeting Members were advised of results of the Board Election held in May, which saw Annette Niven, Martyn Berry and Kumar Kalyanakumar returned to the Board for a period of three years and Michael Sterndale-Smith elected to the Board for a one year term.
I congratulate these Members on their re-election and I would also like to thank Brad Duff, Geoff Summergreene, George Kostas and Paul Robson for their nominations and support of our Club.
Further, I would like extend my thanks and the Club’s appreciation to out-going Board Member Francine Binns for her contribution and dedication to the Club.
At the time of writing this bulletin, we will have commenced the upgrade works to our reception. During this time, we anticipate Members may be inconvenienced, however I believe the end result will make it all worthwhile.
The Club was recently part of a forum aimed at collaborating with other organisations on how to jointly activate the night-time economy. Members will be pleased to know that City Tatts will play a key role in activating music, the arts and youth activities within our buildings.
We are in discussions with the Sydney City Council, Create NSW, Sydney Living Museums and ClubsNSW to best deliver some great cultural activations during the second half of 2019.
“The Divine Miss Bette Show” scheduled for the 31st August of this year is one stand out example of the entertainment your Club will be hosting. You can read more on this show on page 22 and 23.
The sporting culture of our Club has been well documented and shared over the years. In 2019, our Club plans to yet again, unite Members in the spirit of sport, comradery and giving.
The Club is seeking to form the biggest City2Surf team ever in the history of our Club. So far 20 staff and 30 Members have registered their interest in being part of the City Tatts Team that will donate $20,000 to the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation as part of our fundraising efforts.
A great reason for us to do well at this event is the unique contribution our experienced City Tatts Harriers, headed by Charlie Anscombe and his wife Dianne can make to the team, its physical and mental preparation and the encouragement they can give those who will venture into the hard and hilly 14KM stretch.
So you are invited to register under “Team City Tatts.” You will be rewarded with a running shirt and visor, which will become your exclusive pass to access the Sydney Children’s Hospital catered tent at Bondi Beach.
The male and female runners with the best times will be announced at the tent and will have their names engraved into the City Tatts City2Surf Perpetual Trophy.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our staff for being recognised as a finalist in the ClubsNSW Community Awards for their tremendous efforts in supporting our rural community in its time of need during this once in a life time drought that has gripped rural NSW.
See you at the City2Surf and around the Club.

Patrick Campion
City Tattersalls Club