

Catch up with all the latest news from around your club

Patrick Campion, Chairman’s Report Annual Planning Conference

Monday, 22 October 2012

A long standing and well intentioned member suggested that the Committee might provide a report to members of the important matters dealt with and decisions made of our Annual Planning

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Patrick Campion, Advice to Members CTC Race Day 2012

Friday, 28 September 2012

Members will recall that the new Australian Turf Club (ATC) indicated earlier this year that it was changing its focus for sponsorship of races.  This change of focus threatened to

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Patrick Campion, Chairman’s Response to Recent Media Articles

Monday, 13 August 2012

You may have read two articles in the Sydney Morning Herald, weekend edition (11-12 August 2012). The Committee and management assure you that things are not as the articles would have you believe and the future of our Club is secure. I can confirm to you that there are concerted efforts going into the effective management of the Club. These efforts have already given rise to a notable increase in Club membership this year reversing the trend of past years.
Dealing with the major issues in the articles, I advise you as follows …

2006: Disclosures, Declarations and Returns

Sunday, 1 January 2006

Notice is given that the Disclosures, Declarations and Returns received under Section 41H of the Registered Clubs Act is now available to members. In order for members to obtain a copy

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