Ski Club AGM 2018: Minutes

Posted on Wednesday, 11 July 2018

The AGM was held in the Cocktail Bar, CTC on 10 July 2018 at 7.00pm.

Present: Michael Sterndale-Smith, Jeanette Morgan, Jim Chen, Marianne Alexander, Veronica Henir.

  1. Welcome

MSS welcomed all present.

  1. Apologies

The following apologies were received: Garry McIlwaine, Tim McIlwaine, David McIlwaine, Hugh Sterndale-Smith, May Chen, and Sid Hammond.

  1. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting 2017

Moved that they be adopted – JC and seconded – MA

  1. Financial Statement and Treasurer’s Report

The Financial Statement supplied by Sally Beattie at CTC showed a balance in the account of $6156.05. Marianne queried receiving $300 for the work in the Boonoona Open and would check her bank statement.

  1. Adoption of the Annual Report

It was moved – MA and seconded – JM that the circulated Annual Report be accepted.

  1. Election of Office Bearers

The following were elected as Office Bearers for 2018:

  • President: Michael Sterndale-Smith
  • Vice President: Jimmy Chen
  • Secretary: Jeanette Morgan
  • Race Secretary: Marianne Alexander
  • Treasurer: Sally Beattie – Accounts Executive CTC

Committee Member: Toni Hulme, David McIlwaine, Tim McIlwaine (and alternate for Tim – Garry McIlwaine).

  1. Approve the Ski Calendar for 2018

The major items on the 2018 Ski Calendar for the CTC Ski Club are:

Skiers vs. Swimmers (in the pool) – Thursday 17 May

Boonoona Open – Sunday 5 August

Skiers vs. Swimmers (on the snow) – Saturday 1 September.

  1. Notices of Motion

There were no notices of Motion put to the Ski Club for 2018

  1. Nomination of Life Members

MSS asked if there was any way to find out who were life members of the Ski Club. Jimmy Chen was going to look into this matter.

  1. General Business

Membership of the Ski Club

MSS asked if there were any thoughts on how to attract members to join the Ski Club. MSS would speak to Marcelo and report back at the AGM in 2019.

Reimbursement for running the Boonoona Open

It was agreed that Marianne would be reimbursed for accommodation at Boonoona for running the Boonoona Open.

Prizes for Swimmers vs. Skiers

MSS was asked if prizes could be awarded to contestants in this annual event. MSS will discuss with Marcelo and report to the AGM in 2019.

Ski Race between CTC Ski Club and Tattersall’s Club

John Keevers, Captain of the Cheetahs Swimming Club had suggested that a race be held during the ski season with teams from both clubs staying at Boonoona. It was suggested that John Keevers investigate numbers involved and further details so that a proposal could be put to the Ski Club in 2019.

There being no further business MSS thanked all for coming and the meeting closed at 8.15pm.

Jeanette Morgan

Hon. Secretary CTSC