Patrick Campion, Chairman’s Message November 2015

Posted on Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Patrick Campion, Chairman of City Tattersalls Club in this issue provides an update on the Airspace Development, Club Trading status, Boonoona Ski Lodge, our Live Music, Club Membership Renewals, CTC Race Day at Randwick and NSW Club Grants.


The most important decision by members perhaps in the history of our Club is now imminent.
By now, you will have received your voting packs relating to the two (2) resolutions needed for our Club to proceed with the Airspace Development proposal.
The Committee and Management urge you to:
a) Read and consider the Explanatory Memorandum and other material;
b) Cast your vote;
c) Vote in favour of each resolution
This is your Club and its future is in your hands. This is your decision to make. Your vote in favour of the two (2) resolutions will ensure that our Club not only survives, but thrives into the future.
The deal that has been done represents $96,000,000 in value to our Club. That is a huge figure but it reflects the uniqueness of our site’s location, in the beating heart of the busiest and best CBD in Australia.
The development will allow our Club to change its business model, diversify its income and move away from its present over reliance on gaming. It will ensure that our Club remains strong, delivering diverse, exciting and much improved facilities to current and new members.
The City Tattersalls Club name will be displayed at the top of the 48 storey tower, giving our Club wonderful visibility in the Sydney CBD.
Your Committee and Management has worked extremely hard to get the proposal to the point that it is ready for your consideration. It is now all up to you!


Trading has been steady for the year and I ask all members to think of your Club throughout the Christmas period and enjoy all the amenities on offer.
All Bank covenants continue to be met and our Club’s relationship with its bank remains strong.


I am pleased to advise that from 1 – 15 February 2016, all City Tattersalls Club members will be given an advantage of an early booking period at our Boonoona Ski Lodge.
I urge members to take advantage of this exclusive booking period and be the first to book your 2016 ski holiday early to ensure you acquire the dates you require and have a great time during the 2016 ski season.


The live music continues to be provided in the Lower Bar and Omega Lounge.
Attendance in the Lower Bar from Wednesday – Friday evenings continues to grow with the feedback from members very positive. Omega Lounge continues to offer live entertainment
every Friday evening from 6:30pm with ‘Happy Hour’ drinks on offer each Thursday and Friday evenings from 6-8pm.
I encourage you to come in and experience some great free entertainment at our Club.


As you will be aware, the renewal period is upon us.
As a valued Gold, Silver or Life Member you should renew before 30 November 2015 to receive a $25.00 dining voucher to use in either the Esperanto Dining Room or Zest Restaurant. Social Members are welcome to and are encouraged to upgrade to Gold or Silver memberships to receive this offer. Conditions apply.
Renewing your membership is easy, just go to Your membership form allows you to select if
you wish to continue to receive your quarterly magazine via the post. However, we are encouraging members with email addresses to receive it and other correspondence from the
Club electronically. City Tattersalls Club is dedicated to being environmentally friendly and sending the quarterly magazine electronically to members allows the Club a very cost
effective measure. I encourage members to opt to receive the magazine electronically.


On Saturday, 17 October 2015, the City Tattersalls Club held its annual Race Day at Randwick Race Course. A large number of members attended. A wonderful time was had by all. To
the Gold or Life members who missed out in the random draw, please don’t be discouraged. Try again next year. It is the best day at the races you will experience.


The Club Grants presentation was held on Tuesday 25 August 2015. This year there were 44 successful charities receiving a total of $373,064 with the City Tattersalls Club donating $288,952 through the Local Committee and a further $84,112 donated through the Club’s Committee.
Further particulars of the donations can be found on the community pages of this magazine.


I take this opportunity to wish all members a wonderful Christmas, good health and prosperity in 2016. Depending on how you vote, 2016 could be the beginning of something huge and positive for our Club.

Patrick Campion


City Tattersalls Club