Patrick Campion, Chairman’s Message February 2015

Posted on Tuesday, 10 February 2015


Our Club traded well and consistently in the second half of 2014 and the commencement of 2015 has also been positive. The run up to Christmas was very strong and Club gaming continued to perform well despite the ongoing adverse impact of the lock-out laws.


The second Expression of Interest campaign commenced on 9 December 2014 with advertisements being placed in the Australian Financial Review in December 2014 and January 2015.
As was expected, the feedback so far has been extremely positive with keen interest being shown by numerous reputable parties.
The expressions of interest will be considered and appraised in the coming months and we will arrange a further Members’ Briefing Meeting when we are in the position to announce the new preferred Development Partner. We will of course provide plenty of advance notice of that meeting.


As you will be aware, the renewal period is drawing to a close. I urge those members who have not renewed their membership to do so immediately.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2015 will be held on Tuesday 26 May 2015 at 6.00pm in the Celebrity Room.
The final date for Committee Election nominations is 24 April 2015. The Committee Election ballots will be determined by a postal vote by all eligible members.
The results of the Committee Election ballots will be announced on 29 May 2015.
As usual, the Committee will be putting forward a resolution at the AGM to elect members to Life Membership of CTC. This year 137 members have attained 40 continuous years as a Gold or Silver member.
If this resolution is passed, a celebratory luncheon will be held in the Club on Friday 29 May 2015 to present these members with their Life Membership badges.


2015 is a significant year for the City Tattersalls Club.
The City Tattersalls Club was founded in 1895 so this is the Club’s 120th year anniversary. All members should feel proud that our Club has reached this milestone and of what has been achieved over that time. We want to be sure that our Club will be around for another 120 years and that is why the proposed airspace development is so important.


The employees of the 3rd Quarter 2014 have been named. The winners for the Front and Back of House quarter were:
Front of House: Mr Gilbert Cruz
Back of House: Mr David Eckford
I congratulate the winners and all other employees who received nominations for these awards. I would like to thank all staff members for your contribution to the Club’s strong performance in 2014.


I am pleased to announce there is a new section within the Club magazine, commencing on page 10, highlighting the benefits of our new Stature Rewards Program, together with information on how easy it is to become a member and all at no cost!
Stature Rewards Program
This is an exciting new tiered membership program that offers City Tattersalls Club members access to:

  • Great benefits and rewards
  • Exciting promotions
  • An online portal that provides exclusive offers everyday

The Club has introduced some exciting new Promotions where loads of cash can be won!
These promotions are:
New Stature Rewards Members Only Promotion
The first promotion and reward will be the Strike It Lucky Dollars where Stature Rewards members only can share in $30,000 worth of prize money. Stature Rewards members can earn entries into each draw by:

  • Visiting the Club every day and using your membership card in the venue; also
  • Playing online games via the Stature Rewards Member Portal

Draws will take place on 26 February 2015, 12 & 26 March 2015, 16 & 30 April 2015 and 14 May 2015. Full details regarding the new Stature Rewards promotion and how many tickets you can earn for your specific tier, are listed on page 13 of the Club magazine. The more you visit the Club, the more entries you can gain!
The other focus will be on the new menus in the Esperanto Dining Room and Zest Restaurant. In 2015, additional Stature Rewards Member Only
promotions/rewards will also be featured across the Club offerings.
Joining the Stature Rewards Program is easy! Members can:

  • Register at the Customer Service Centre
  • Visit an In-Venue access point (located in various positions around the Club); or
  • Register via the Club’s website

All current financial members can sign up for Stature Rewards and it is free to join. I urge members to take up this offer and take advantage of this great initiative.
New $20,000 Members’ Badge Draw
Commences on Thursday 12 February 2015. Draws take place four (4) times per week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:30pm and 7:30pm. The jackpot starts at $2,000 and, if not claimed jackpots by $500 for the next Badge Draw.
I remind members that you must be present to win, so come on in and take advantage of this great promotion.
City Tatts Cash Storm – For City Tatts Members
Commenced on 9 January 2015 with the first draw on 16 January 2015 at 7:00pm. Three (3) winners will be drawn each Friday night, the first winner at 7:00pm receives $250, the second drawn at 7:15pm receives $500 and the final winner, drawn at 7:30pm receives $1,250. Draws take place on 6, 13, 20 and 27 February 2015 and 6, 13, 20 and 27 March 2015. Don’t miss out on the opportunity of winning!! You only need to be present at the draw to win, so make sure you come in. Please refer to the Promotions section of the magazine for more detail.


A new menu was introduced in Esperanto on 27 January 2015 featuring an array of exciting new selections together with the favourites you know and love.
A new menu was introduced in Zest on 3 February 2015. This menu will feature some delectable dishes which are sure to please all pallets. In addition to the new menu items will be our new Asian delicacies, as well as the tried and true favourites.
For those members who enjoy the fast and convenient dining of our Café2, a new menu will be introduced on 10 February 2015. Once again, the ever popular stable items will remain but there will be a new selection of exciting and delicious dishes which are sure to please all tastes.
The full new menus are listed on the Club’s website
I encourage members to take advantage of the Stature Rewards Members Only Program that enables members to earn points or pay by points for food and beverage purchases in our restaurants, cafe and bars at the City Tattersalls Club.
I would also like to introduce our new Executive Chef, Lee Evans. Lee comes to us with impressive experience, his last role being as Executive Chef at the Newcastle Jockey Club. Lee has personally designed, cooked and served for four (4) Royal families and three (3) Prime Ministers and is dedicated to providing 100% customer satisfaction.


I remind members that the live music introduced to the Lower Bar, Omega and Celebrity Lounges is continuing in 2015.
Attendance for the Soulful Sounds in the Lower Bar from Wednesday – Friday evenings continued to grow in 2014 and the feedback from members remains very positive.
The bands playing in the Celebrity Lounge each quarter in 2014 continued to attract more people with the last performance by Ciaran Gribbon, INXS lead vocalist and his band being such an overwhelming success that, by popular demand, the Club will have an additional performance by the Ciaran Gribbin Band on 27 February 2015. This is a free event for members and I urge you to come along and enjoy a fantastic evening.
Our live acoustic guitar performances in the Omega Lounge also continued to build in 2014 with performances continuing each Friday evening in 2015.
I encourage you to come in and experience some great free entertainment at our Club.


The Member exclusive booking period at Boonoona Ski Lodge for the 2015 ski season has now closed. Vacancies still exist but you will need to book quickly as the rate will also be advertised on external accommodation websites to ensure the Club maximises every booking opportunity throughout the ski season. Members who wish to book for the 2015 ski season at Boonoona Ski Lodge can book online at and receive immediate confirmation.
Members can also book their accommodation through the Customer Service Centre on 02 9267 9421. For full details on the Boonoona Ski Lodge rates and information, please refer to pages 8 and 9 of this magazine.


The ninth annual Children’s Christmas Breakfast Party was held in Zest Restaurant on Wednesday 10 December 2014. The function was well attended and the focus was on two (2) inner Sydney charitable organisations; The East Sydney Community Based High School and The Girls & Boys Brigade. Each of these charities support children, youth and their families who often experience significant socio-economic challenges in their lives. The children had a wonderful time. Santa was there. Presents were distributed and even the parents got some rewards. I thank CTC staff for doing a great job in providing breakfast for all.
I would also like to thank the following organisations who contributed to the success of the morning:
• MIXFM • Copy Express • Hong Australia • Quick Corporate • Austrolex • C&C Imseis • Think & Grow • Simon George & Sons
I think we can all be very proud of what our Club has done and continues to do in the charitable giving space.


Best wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2015. I encourage you to continue to support your Club throughout 2015 in relation to the proposed Airspace Development. Please watch out for updates on the website.

Patrick Campion


City Tattersalls Club