Patrick Campion, Chairman’s Message – February 2013

Posted on Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Trading Update

Trading in the run up to Christmas was good and I thank you for your support over that period.

The post Christmas/January period is typically slow. As always, I encourage you to continue to use the Club facilities as often as you can.

I am pleased to advise that CTC have met all Bank covenants and a full trading report will be included in the May 2013 magazine, in line with the Annual General Meeting financial information.

Annual General Meeting, Committee Elections and Life Members

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2013 will be held on Tuesday 21 May 2013 at 6.00pm in the Celebrity Room.

The final date for Committee Election nominations is 26 April 2013. The Committee Election ballots will be determined by a postal vote by all eligible members.

The results of the Committee Election ballots will be announced on 22 May 2013.

As usual, the Committee will be putting forward a resolution at the AGM to elect members to Life Membership of CTC. This year 231 members have attained 40 continuous years as a Gold or Silver member.

If this resolution is passed, a celebratory luncheon will be held in the Club on Friday 24 May 2013 to present these members with their Life Membership badges.

Airspace & Information Evening

The Information Evening took place on Tuesday 4 December 2012. Sadly, it was very poorly attended. The possible development of our airspace is a very big issue for the Club and I ask members to take an interest.

A summary of the presentation given at the Information Evening will soon be put on the website for your information. I hope that there will be more interest at the next Information Evening (presently proposed for June 2013).

Following the Information Evening, the Committee unanimously passed a resolution that the Club obtain a Pre-Development Advice from the Sydney City Council at a cost to the Club not exceeding $100,000. That Advice is expected to be received in or about May 2013.

Armed with that advice, the Club will be in a strong position to ‘feel the market’ in relation to the airspace development proposal. Once this is received, the Club will update members at the Annual General Meeting and the next Information Evening.

Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing (OLGR) Inquiry

There has still been no determination of this matter by the OLGR. We remain confident that there will be no adverse findings.

2013 Membership Renewals

As you will be aware, the renewal period is drawing to a close. I urge those members who have not renewed their membership to do this immediately.

Renewing your membership is easy, just go to Your membership form allows you to select if you wish to continue to receive your quarterly magazine electronically or by post. City Tattersalls Club is dedicated to being environmentally friendly and sending the quarterly magazine electronically to members allows the Club to take advantage of a very cost effective measure. I encourage members to opt to receive the magazine electronically.

Members’ Badge Draw

I am pleased to announce the Club has introduced an exciting new Members’ Badge Draw where up to $30,000 cash can be won!

Members need to be present to win. The first badge draw takes place on Tuesday 5 March 2013, where you could win $5,000. This amount, if not won, will jackpot by $500 each draw until it’s won. Draws take place twice per week each Tuesday and Thursday evening at 6.30pm with the final draw on 29 August 2013, when a maximum of $30,000 cash could be won.

I encourage you not to miss out on the opportunity of winning!! You only need to be present at the draw to win, so make sure you come in. For more detailed information, please see page 7 of the magazine.

Boonoona Ski Lodge Bookings

As advised in the Chairman’s Message Update October 2012, the Club can no longer rely only on members to fill the Boonoona Ski Lodge.

Members had an exclusive booking period from 14 November 2012 to 14 January 2013 at member friendly rates. However, after 14 January 2013, the Club has been also selling bookings online through the Perisher Website. Members however should still book at the ‘member friendly’ rate through the Club website (

I encourage all members to take advantage of this offer.

Children’s Christmas Party

The seventh annual Children’s Christmas Breakfast Party was held in Zest Restaurant on Tuesday 4 December 2012. The function was well attended and the focus was on two (2) inner Sydney charitable organisations; The East Sydney Community Based School and The Girls & Boys Brigade.

The children had a wonderful time. Santa was there. Presents were distributed and even the parents got some rewards. I thank CTC staff for doing a great job in providing breakfast for all. Our Club once again pledged $20,000 to each of these great charities which support children, youth and their families who often experience significant socio-economic challenges in their lives. I would also like to thank the following organisations who contributed to the success of the morning:

• MIXFM • Hong Australia • Foodlink • Haverick Meats • M&G Oyster Supplies

I think we can all be very proud of what our Club has done and continues to do in the charitable giving space.

Club Doctor

Negotiations are currently in progress with a new Doctor for the Club. Once these negotiations are concluded, information will be placed on the Club’s website advising full details of the new Doctor and his hours of operation. For newer members, the Club Doctor is located on Level 2 in the Administration area.

Men’s Fitness Centre Reconfiguration

Work on the Men’s Fitness Centre reconfiguration has now been completed. I urge members who possibly have not used the Men’s Fitness Centre for a while, or for those who are interested in seeing what the Club has to offer, to visit the Men’s Fitness Centre.


Best wishes to members for a prosperous and healthy 2013 and I encourage all members to support your Club throughout 2013.

Patrick Campion


City Tattersalls Club