Patrick Campion, Chairman’s Message August 2014

Posted on Monday, 4 August 2014

The big issue for the coming quarter is the Members’ Vote in relation to the proposed Airspace Development.

At present, it is intended that the voting papers will be sent to you toward the end of September, with vote counting to take place in early October. Negotiations have not yet concluded, so these dates could change.
Your Committee is encouraging a vote in favour of the development. The development will enable our Club to change its business model in a very positive way which will set up our Club for the future. The Airspace Development has been a part of our Club’s plan for many, many years and we believe that the time is here to realise the dream.

Trading Update

Despite the fact that the lock-out laws have adversely impacted our Club’s gaming revenue, our trade in gaming for the quarter was solid.
Another phase of the NSW Liquor Law measures, banning of glass after midnight, was implemented on 18 July 2014:
Between the hours of 12am (midnight) and 7zsbam, no alcoholic/ non alcoholic drinks can be sold or supplied in glass containers for consumption on the licensed premises. During these periods, all glass must be removed from patrons and public areas of the premises.
Unforeseeable legislative change continues to put pressure on our Club’s gaming and beverage revenues, amplifying the need for a change to the business model.
Bank covenants continue to be met and the ANZ Bank continues to work closely and cooperatively with the Club in relation to the Airspace Development.

Annual General Meeting

Thank you to those who attended the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in May 2014. The resolution relating to Life Membership was passed.

Life Member Luncheon

A celebratory lunch for the Life Members elected at the AGM was held in the Celebrity Room on Friday 30 May 2014. This is invariably a great occasion and was warmly appreciated by all attendees. There were many fond memories and experiences shared from their long affiliation with our Club.
The new Life Members were presented with their life member badges and a small gift to commemorate the day. It is a great honour for me to meet all of these magnificent men and women who have been loyal to our Club for forty (40) continuous years. On behalf of all members and staff, I congratulate them and thank them for their huge contribution to our Club.

Committee Elections

The Committee elections were held in May 2014. I would like to extend my congratulations to the current Committee on being re-elected. I applaud members for their good sense in returning what is a good Committee that continues to work hard and well for the benefit of our Club. I thank all the members of the Committee for their commitment and dedication.

Airspace Development Update

The Club is continuing to advance its plans for the possible new development which the Committee believes will dramatically improve member facilities and secure the long term future of our Club. Due to ongoing negotiations, the timelines around the membership vote on the proposed development have been extended by two (2) months. It is anticipated that members will be presented with the resolution on the proposed airspace development by end September 2014, prior to the voting material being sent in October 2014. To ensure members continue to be well informed about the progress of the proposed development, additional Member Briefing Meetings have been and will be held as follows:
Member Briefing Meeting 10
• Monday 25 August 2014 at 12:30pm
• Wednesday 27 August 2014 at 6:45pm
Again, it is possible that August dates may change depending on how current negotiations progress. If you are not able to attend these meetings, you can access the information on the Club’s website or at the Member Information Display area near the entrance to the Lower Bar. We will also continue to hold day time drop-in sessions where members can come in and ask questions about the development.
Due to the additional Member Briefing Meetings being held in July and August 2014, the drop-in sessions have been extended. The drop-in sessions will now be held every Tuesday only from 11:30am – 1:00pm in the Members’ Information Display Area on the ground floor.

Subsidiary Club Arrangements
Should the development proceed, during the interim Club phase (ie. while the building works are proceeding), arrangements have been made with clubs to utilise the facilities of our subsidiary clubs. These are:

CTC Cheetahs Swimming Club
Tattersalls Club – 181 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
• CTC Cheetahs Club members allowed access to Tattersalls Club under CTC/Tattersalls Club arrangement
• Swimming pool facilities each Thursday evening from 5pm – 8pm
• Two (2) dedicated lanes within the swimming pool for these events
• Small storage area equivalent to four (4) full size lockers
• Access to bar and restaurant facilities after each swimming session

CTC Snooker Club
Royal Automobile Club of Australia – 89 Macquarie Street, Sydney
• CTC Snooker Club members allowed access to Royal Automobile Club under reciprocal arrangement
• Dedicated room permanently available for CTC Snooker Club members for both social and tournament matches with 4 snooker tables (two (2) in each room)
• Two (2) full size snooker tables (on loan from City Tattersalls Club) to allow for four (4) snooker tables within the Royal Automobile Club
• Lighting over the snooker tables (provided by City Tatts if needed)
• Approximately fifty (50) snooker lockers will be installed (on loan from the City Tattersalls Club) for CTC Snooker Club members
• Catering provided for home tournament/championship matches
• Access to restaurant and bar facilities

CTC Ladies Indoor Bowls Club
Royal Automobile Club of Australia – 89 Macquarie Street, Sydney
• CTC Ladies Indoor Bowls Club members allowed access to Royal Automobile Club under reciprocal arrangement
• Access to Function Room each Saturday from 8:30am – 12pm
• 2 x bowls mats (on loan from City Tattersalls Club) to the Royal Automobile Club for the duration of agreement
• Length of room must be a minimum of 18mtrs in length by 10mtrs in width to house both bowls mats, but can be separated by columns,
• Small registration table each Saturday morning
• Catering provided for home tournament/championship matches
• Access to restaurant and bar facilities

CTC Dance Club
NSW Masonic Club – 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney or The Hellenic Club – 251-253 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
• CTC Dance Club members allowed access to NSW Masonic Club under reciprocal arrangement
• Exclusive use of the Main Dining Room every Monday evening from 7pm – 9:30pm plus every Wednesday and Friday evening from 8:30pm – 11pm for social dancing
• City Tattersalls Club will supply and pay for a Dance Instructor/DJ to host these events
• Temporary dance floor (on loan from City Tattersalls Club for the duration of agreement), the size of the dance floor will be
approximately 6 x 10mtrs
• Bar facilities to be provided to allow CTC Dance Club members to purchase drinks at their expense

Quarterly Dinner and Dance Event
NSW Masonic Club – 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney or The Hellenic Club – 251-253 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
• CTC members and guests allowed access to NSW Masonic Club or The Hellenic Club under reciprocal arrangement
• Exclusive access to the Main Dining Room each quarter commencing March 2016 and then occurring in July, September and December. Event dates will be confirmed in advance, pending venue availability
• CTC will arrange, pay for and supply up to a five (5) piece band for these events
• Doors to open from 6pm for a 7pm start finishing around 11pm
• Event to accommodate 80 – 100 people
• Temporary dance floor (on loan from CTC for the duration of the agreement), the size of the dance floor will be 6 x 10mtrs
• Tables provided around perimeter of the dance floor
• Bar facilities to be provided to allow CTC members and guests to purchase drinks at their expense

CTC Toastmasters
NSW Masonic Club – 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
• CTC Toastmasters members allowed access to NSW Masonic Club under reciprocal arrangement
• Access to Meeting Room on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 7pm – 9:30pm
• Room must accommodate 20 – 30 people
• Set-up in a “U” shape with a lectern in the centre front, projector screen, whiteboard and water glasses to be provided
• CTC Toastmasters will supply a projector and laptop for their events
• Storage area to house three (3) small suitcases, which will remain on site

Fitness Centre Member Arrangements
CTC Fitness Centre Members – The Castlereagh Club, 199 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
• CTC financial Fitness Centre members allowed access to The Castlereagh Club under reciprocal arrangement
• Access to the swimming pool, steam room and sauna
• Access to cardio and weights equipment within The Castlereagh Aquatic and Fitness Centre only
• Access squash courts at an additional fee (payable by CTC member directly to The Castlereagh Club)
• No CTC financial Fitness Centre members permitted to access group fitness classes
• CTC members to pay $4.00 per visit (maximum of three (3) visit or $12.00 per week)
• Should a CTC financial Fitness Centre member visit The Castlereagh Aquatic and Fitness Centre four (4) or more times in one week, no additional fees will be charged

Boonoona Ski Lodge Bookings

Bookings at the Boonoona Ski Lodge have been very good this year. To date, the reservations made have far exceed those made in 2013.
The snow has been steadily falling and we hope it stays with us for the remainder of the season. If so, we can see a very good result for the Lodge. There are still vacancies available and I urge you to get your booking in before it is too late. For more information see pages 26-27 of this magazine or call the Customer Service Centre on 02 9287 6409.

City Tattersalls Club Race Day

On Saturday 18 October 2014, the City Tattersalls Club is scheduled to hold its annual Race Day at Randwick Race Course.
CTC has once again worked closely with the Australian Turf Club (ATC) and it is pleasing to announce that CTC will again in 2014 own the entire race day (8 races). CTC will have naming rights for the CTC Club Cup, CTC Lightning Handicap and CTC Handicap and will on-sell the remaining five (5) races to key suppliers to the Club. As happened in 2013, the Club intends to invite an additional 100 Gold or Life members and partners to a cocktail party in the grandstand. This was a great occasion in 2013 and will be an equally great occasion in 2014.
Any Gold or Life members wishing to attend the function, please log onto the Club’s website from 1 September 2014 to 26 September 2014 to register your name and member number. If the total member registrations exceed the maximum available places, a lottery style draw will take place. Any Gold or Life Members can apply with preference given to those members who did not attend the cocktail function in 2013.
Unfortunately, we must restrict the invitation to two (2) tickets per Gold or Life member, a ticket for the member and one (1) guest.
If you miss out on the cocktail party, General Admission and Member tickets to the ATC for the day will be available. These will also be
restricted to two (2) tickets per Gold or Life member.
I encourage Gold and Life members to register your interest in attending what should be a great day at the track!

Tiered Loyalty System

Further to my article in the last magazine regarding the launch of the four tiered loyalty program called ‘Stature Rewards’. You are able to register for Stature Rewards and access the member portal, online games and be eligible for tiered status.
If you sign up for Stature Rewards you will be awarded one entry into the car giveaway where you have a chance of winning an Alfa Romeo valued at over $30,000 (the car is on show in the Club’s foyer).
Members will also be awarded an entry every time they access the member portal and play an online game. This is a very new and exciting rewards program for our Club. I encourage you to take advantage of this new program. Full details on the Stature Rewards Program can be found on pages 22 – 23 of the magazine.

Live Music

You may have noticed that live music has returned to the Club!

Omega Lounge

Sit back and relax in Omega Lounge every Friday night and enjoy the acoustic sounds of Jake Edgley from 6:30pm – 9:30pm.

Lower Bar

From Wednesday 20 August 2014, the Lower Bar will offer new live music with a singer playing on the grand piano from Wednesday to Friday from 6pm – 9pm. The Club has organised a variety of performers for your enjoyment and I’m sure you will hear many of your favourite songs from Billy Joel, Elton John, Ray Charles and many others.

Celebrity Lounge

New and exciting bands have been organised in the Celebrity Lounge once a month, commencing on Friday 29 August 2014. Various bands will perform each quarter ranging from party bands to recording artists for the benefit of members. These events are free for members to enjoy. Please refer to the What’s On section of this magazine for all entertainment information over the coming quarter.

2015 Membership Renewals

The 2015 renewal period is almost upon us. As a valued Gold or Life Member if you renew on line between 1 – 30 September 2014 you will receive a $50.00 dining credit to use in either the Esperanto Dining Room or Zest Restaurant. Silver and Social Members are welcome to upgrade to a Gold membership to receive this offer. Conditions apply. Renewing your membership is easy and efficient, just go online to
Normal renewal procedure for all categories of membership will occur from 1 October 2014. Your online membership form also allows you to select if you wish to continue to receive your quarterly magazine via the hard copy post. City Tattersalls Club is dedicated to being environmentally friendly and sending the quarterly magazine electronically to members allows the Club a very efficient and cost effective tool. I encourage members to opt to receive the magazine electronically.

Club Grants 2014

I have been involved in the last several months in allocating our Club’s charitable donations to the many applicants for funds under the NSW Club Grants Scheme. Our Club is donating a total amount of $370,000 (approximate), with $277,000 (approximate) of this amount being distributed through the Local Committee. The presentation to the successful charities will take place at our Club at 11am on Friday 23 August 2014. All members are welcome to attend. Further particulars of the donations can be seen on the Community page of this magazine.

Clubs NSW Chef’s Table Competition 2014

I am very pleased to announce that our Club was once again a finalist in the Clubs NSW Chef’s Table Competition 2014. I am also pleased to announce that we took out the Bronze Award at the annual Awards Presentation held on 21 July 2014.
This competition was open to all registered clubs in NSW. The awards were announced at a prestigious function held at the Campbelltown Catholic Club. I congratulate our Chefs, James Wong and Yuna Kim for their fantastic effort and extend my thanks to everyone who supported them.

Staff Benefits

The Staff Rewards and Recognition Program will take place in September 2014 with an Afternoon Tea, Luncheon and Dinner being held for the 3+ Year, 5+ Year and 10+ Year groups. We commend these employees for their loyalty to our Club.

Employees of the 1st Quarter 2014

The employees of the 1st Quarter 2014 have been named. The winners for the Front and Back of House Quarter 1, 2014 were:
Front of House: Ms Jessica Melhem
Back of House: Mr Ian Pangilinan
I congratulate the winners and all other employees who received nominations for these awards.


We are fast approaching a momentous member vote in relation to the Airspace Development. It is an exciting time to be a Club member. Many members have come and gone over the 40 plus years that the development of our airspace has been a dream. You will shortly have the opportunity to vote to make that dream a reality.

Patrick Campion


City Tattersalls Club