Advice to Members Re: Electronic Communication

Posted on Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Dear Members

In the last 2 editions of our Club magazine, I advised that we would be pushing hard to obtain email addresses from all members so that future communications can be electronic only.

Postage cost has increased and we are at the point where it is costing the Club more to post the magazine than to produce it. With this in mind, the decision has been made that this will be the last copy of the magazine mailed to members.

For those of you who have provided an email address (and that is most of you), all communications, including the Club magazine will be sent via email as it has for the last 2 magazines. For those members who do not have, or do not wish to provide an email address:

a) The magazine will also be available to read or download from the Club’s website.

b) Hard copies of the Club magazine and any other future communications will be available for collection at the Customer Service desk or distributed around the clubhouse.

I am sure you will understand the reason for this decision. I encourage those members who have not yet provided an email address to the Club to do so as soon as possible.

All members who receive future magazines via the electronic format will also have the chance to win great prizes which will be advertised in the Club magazine.

Yours faithfully


Patrick Campion
City Tattersalls Club